Monday, October 21, 2024

Three Pillars of Spirit-Led Conservation in Melanesia

In the lush islands of Melanesia, a unique approach to conservation has been flourishing for centuries - Spirit-Led Conservation. At the heart of this conservation effort are three interconnected pillars: spirit hotspots, customary fire-houses with customary elders, and customary laws. These pillars form a symbiotic relationship that not only preserves biodiversity but also protects traditional knowledge and empowers local communities.

Spirit hotspots are sacred sites believed to be inhabited by ancestral spirits who guide and protect the land. These sites are critical for maintaining the balance of nature and are often the focal point of conservation efforts in Melanesia. Customary fire-houses, known as bale koro in Fiji or tambarans in Papua New Guinea, are traditional meeting places where elders gather to discuss community matters, including conservation initiatives. These elders, or custodians of the land, play a pivotal role in passing down ecological knowledge and enforcing customary laws that regulate human activities in the environment.

Customary laws are a set of rules and regulations that govern the interaction between humans and nature. These laws are based on traditional beliefs and practices that have been passed down through generations. They dictate how resources should be managed, harvested, and protected to ensure the sustainability of the ecosystem. Violating these laws can result in spiritual consequences, reinforcing the connection between cultural practices and environmental stewardship.

One notable example of Spirit-Led Conservation in Melanesia is the Tonda Wildlife Management Area in Papua New Guinea. Here, customary elders work closely with conservation organizations to protect the diverse wildlife and ecosystems in the region. By enforcing customary laws and raising awareness about the importance of preserving their ancestral lands, the community has been able to reduce illegal logging and overfishing, leading to a resurgence in biodiversity.

Another case study is the Great Sea Reef in Fiji, where traditional leaders have established marine protected areas to safeguard coral reefs and marine life. By integrating customary laws with modern conservation practices, they have seen a significant increase in fish populations and the restoration of damaged coral reefs. This success has not only benefited the environment but has also enhanced local livelihoods through sustainable fishing practices.

The significance of these three pillars in preserving biodiversity and traditional knowledge in Melanesia cannot be overstated. By honoring the spiritual connections to the land, engaging with customary elders, and upholding customary laws, communities are able to protect their natural heritage for future generations. These conservation efforts not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also foster a sense of cultural pride and empowerment within the community.

Looking forward, the sustainability of Spirit-Led Conservation in Melanesia depends on the continued commitment of communities to uphold their traditional practices and adapt to changing environmental challenges. By integrating indigenous knowledge with modern scientific research, these conservation efforts have the potential to serve as a model for holistic and inclusive approaches to environmental management worldwide. As the world grapples with escalating climate change and biodiversity loss, the lessons learned from Melanesia's Spirit-Led Conservation efforts offer a beacon of hope for a more harmonious relationship between humans and nature.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears. Rumors are started by haters, carried by fools, and believed by idiots

Gossip and rumors have always been a part of human social interactions, fueling curiosity, intrigue, and sometimes strife within social circles. From petty rumors about someone's personal life to malicious gossip aimed at tarnishing reputations, the impact of these whispers can be far-reaching and damaging.

The statement "Gossip dies when it hits a wise person's ears. Rumors are started by haters, carried by fools, and believed by idiots" highlights the role of individual discernment in the propagation of rumors. Wise individuals possess the emotional intelligence to discern fact from fiction, understanding the potential harm caused by spreading false information. They choose not to engage in idle gossip, thereby extinguishing its power before it can take hold. On the other hand, haters, fools, and idiots are more likely to succumb to the allure of spreading rumors, whether out of jealousy, ignorance, or a desire for attention.

Psychologically, gossip serves as a form of social currency, allowing individuals to bond over shared information and establish hierarchies within social groups. By sharing secrets or rumors, individuals may feel a sense of belonging or importance within a community. However, the consequences of gossip can be severe, leading to fractured relationships, damaged reputations, and emotional distress for those targeted.

In today's digital age, the spread of rumors and gossip has been amplified through social media platforms, where misinformation can quickly go viral and reach a global audience. Recent examples of viral rumors include conspiracy theories about political figures, false claims about celebrities, and malicious attacks on individuals' character. In such instances, the impact of false information can be devastating, leading to public backlash, cyberbullying, and even legal repercussions.

So, how can we handle gossip and rumors in a wise and constructive manner? Firstly, it is crucial to approach information with a critical mindset, questioning the source, motives, and evidence behind rumors before accepting them as truth. Engaging in open and honest communication with others can help clarify misunderstandings and dispel false information. Additionally, practicing empathy and compassion towards those targeted by gossip can help mitigate its harmful effects and foster a culture of understanding and support within social circles.

Ultimately, gossip and rumors will always exist in some form within social circles. However, by cultivating a sense of discernment, empathy, and positive communication, we can navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships with grace and integrity. As the saying goes, "Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?" Let us strive to be the wise individuals who extinguish gossip and rumors before they can cause harm, creating a community built on trust, respect, and authenticity.

Friday, October 04, 2024

I Will Share My Dream Night 3 October 2024

I had a dream with all of you in it, so will share:

Hundreds of people were gathering inside a giant dome-shaped hall. It had no walls, just massive timber pillars painted in ochre red colour. The roof was 6 or 7 stories high and totally black. Like looking up at the night sky, but no moon or stars. The ground was black sand with round pebbles. The whole space might have been 3 or 4 football pitches in size.

Outside the terrain was rocky and volcanic. Either close to the sea or in flood plain of a river. The afterglow if sunset was visible on one side.

A smaller group of us were being hosted in a house nearby. Maybe 20 of us from FCF networks and a few other friends of mine. We didn't know everyone at the gathering in the hall.

We all were asked to wear black clothes, made from any thin material. When we arrived at the hall, we were all given turquoise blue knitted tunics to wear over our clothes. 

The only specific thing I can remember about any of you was Colin chanting a prayer in that super-deep Tibetan Buddhist style...

As soon as everyone was in the hall, a deep bass rhythm began. Seemed to come from the soil itself. Everyone went into free-form dance, no one leading, no centre.

Then I woke up and it was dawn.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Throughout history, there have been several figures who were executed by being burned alive

Throughout history, there have been several figures who were executed by being burned alive by the Catholic Church because they were considered to have deviated from the doctrine, committed heresy or were heretics.

Here are some of these figures.

No.1 - Giordano Bruno (1548–1600)

Quoted from britannica. Bruno was an Italian philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer who was sentenced to death by the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church. He is known for his views that support the concept of an infinite universe. In these theories, Giordano Bruno rejected the geocentric theory and embraced the heliocentric theory which states that the earth orbits the sun. And Bruno also rejected some of the core doctrines of the Catholic Church. However, this view was considered heretical by the church and he was eventually sentenced to death by being burned alive in the Campo de' Fiori square, Rome. When the death sentence was given, Giordano Bruno had time to say to the judges. (Maybe your fear of giving me punishment is greater than I myself who accept it.)

No. 2 -  Jan Hus (1369–1415)

Quoted from the world history encyclopedia.

Jan Hus was a Czech theologian and reformer who led the reform movement in Bohemia. Inspired by the work of John Whycliffe, he criticized various practices of the Catholic Church, including the sale of indulgences, and he called for reform in the church. Hus was sentenced to death because he was considered a heretic by the church. And he was then sentenced by the Council of Constantine by being burned alive. The death of Jan Hus, sparked the anger of his followers in Bohemia and sparked a reform movement known as the Hussite movement. His followers demanded church reform and rejected the dominance of Roman Catholicism. Which eventually sparked a war between the Hussites and the Catholic forces led by the Holy Roman Empire.

No. 3 - , William Tyndale (1494–1536)

Quoted from the World History Encyclopedia, William Tyndale was an English academic who translated the Bible into English. In 1524, Tyndale left England and settled in Germany. In Germany he began working on translating the Bible from the original Greek and Hebrew texts into English. Then a copy of his translated Bible was printed and smuggled into England. Tyndale's work became very influential but was also strictly prohibited, because it was considered a major crime at that time by the Catholic Church and the English government. At that time England was under the rule of King Henry VIII. Because of this work, he was considered a heretic by the Catholic authorities. Tyndale was arrested and executed by strangulation first, then his body was burned.

No. 4 - Jacques De Molay (1243–1314)

Quoted from sky history, Jacques de Molay was the last grand master of the Templar Knights. He was arrested on baseless charges and on the orders of King Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V. King Philip IV accused the Templar Knights of being involved in various heretical or heretical practices and other crimes, including idolatry, sexual abuse, and inappropriate secret activities. but the main reason was, because King Philip IV had a large debt to the Templar Knights, who were the main bankers at that time. then King Philip IV pressured Pope Clement V to support his actions against the Templar Knights. The Pope, who was under political and financial pressure from the French king at that time, finally agreed to issue a decree dissolving the order in 1312, through the bull "Vox in excelso". Jacques De Molay, the grand master of the Templar Knights was then arrested along with many other Templar members. after years of imprisonment and torture, he was finally executed by being burned alive in Paris. This severe punishment was not only the involvement of the Catholic Church at that time, but the process also involved significant political factors.

No. 5 - Girolamo Savonarola (1452–1498)

Quoted from the New World Encyclopedia, he was a Dominican friar and reformer from Italy who dared to criticize corruption in the Catholic Church. At that time, the Roman Catholic Church priests were increasingly corrupting morality, living a corrupt life. The papacy was filled with abuse and personal immorality in almost every district, sometimes there were also traveling vendors of forgiveness. Because of this, Savonarola withdrew from his secular studies. Because of his opposition, Savonarola was accused of being a heretic, because he uttered prophecies, incited, and committed religious errors. He was then excommunicated by Pope Alexander VI, the Pope appealed for his arrest and execution. On the day of his execution, he was taken to the "Piazza Della Signoria" with his two colleagues Fra Silvestro and Fra Domenico Da Pescia. The three were ritually stripped of their robes, humiliated as heretics and schismatics, and handed over to the secular authorities to be burned. then they were hung with chains on a cross, a large fire was lit beneath them and they were burned alive.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Sepanjang sejarah, ada beberapa tokoh yang dieksekusi dengan cara di bakar hidup hidup

Sepanjang sejarah, ada beberapa tokoh yang dieksekusi dengan cara di bakar hidup hidup oleh pihak gereja katolik. karena mereka dianggap menyimpang dari doktrin, melakukan bidat atau heretik. 

Berikut  beberapa tokoh tersebut di antaranya. 

No.1 - Giordano bruno" (1548–1600)
di kutip dari britannica. Bruno adalah seorang filsuf, matematikawan, dan astronom Italia yang dihukum mati oleh Inkuisisi gereja katolik romawi. Ia dikenal karena, pandangannya yang mendukung konsep alam semesta yang tak terbatas. dalam teori teori itu, giordano bruno menolak teori geosentris dan merangkul teori heliosentris yang menyatakan bumi mengorbit matahari. dan bruno juga menolak beberapa doktrin inti gereja katolik. namun, pandangan ini dianggap sesat oleh gereja dan dia akhirnya dihukum mati dengan cara dibakar hidup hidup di alun alun campo de' fiori, roma. ketika putusan hukuman mati di berikan, giordano bruno sempat berkata pada para hakim. ( mungkin ketakutan kalian dalam memberikan hukuman padaku, lebih besar daripada aku sendiri yang menerimanya.)

No. 2 -  Jan Hus (1369–1415)
di kutip dari world history encyclopedia. 
Jan Hus adalah seorang teolog dan reformis asal ceko, yang memimpin gerakan reformasi di bohemia. terinsprirasi oleh karya john whycliffe, Ia mengkritik berbagai praktik gereja katolik, termasuk penjualan surat pengampunan dosa, indulgensi", dan ia menyerukan reformasi dalam gereja. hus dihukum mati karena di anggap sesat oleh pihak gereja. dan iapun kemudian di jatuhi hukuman oleh konsili konstanz dengan cara dibakar hidup-hidup. kematian jan hus, memicu kemarahan pengikutnya di bohemia dan memicu gerakan reformasi yang dikenal sebagai gerakan hussite. para pengikutnya menuntut reformasi gereja dan menolak dominasi katolik roma. yang akhirnya memicu perang antara kaum hussite dan kekuatan katolik yang dipimpin oleh kekaisaran romawi suci.

No. 3 - , William Tyndale". (1494–1536)
di kutip dari world history encyclopedia, William Tyndale adalah seorang akademisi asal inggris yang menerjemahkan alkitab ke dalam bahasa inggris. pada tahun 1524, Tyndale meninggalkan inggris dan menetap di jerman. di jerman ia mulai bekerja menerjemahkan alkitab dari teks yunani dan ibrani asli ke dalam bahasa inggris. kemudian salinan alkitab terjemahannya dicetak dan diselundupkan ke inggris. karyanya Tyndale ini menjadi sangat berpengaruh tetapi juga dilarang keras, karena di anggap kejahatan besar pada masa itu oleh gereja katolik dan pemerintah inggris. yang mana saat itu inggris di bawah kekuasaan raja Henry VIII. karena karyanya ini, ia dianggap sesat oleh otoritas katolik. Tyndale pun di tangkap dan dieksekusi dengan cara dicekik terlebih dahulu, lalu tubuhnya dibakar.

No. 4 - , Jacques De Molay". (1243–1314)
di kutip dari sky history, Jacques de molay adalah grand master terakhir ordo kesatria templar. Ia ditangkap atas tuduhan tak berdasar dan atas perintah raja Philip IV dari Prancis dan Paus Clement V. raja philip IV menuduh para ksatria templar ini terlibat dalam berbagai praktik bid'at atau heretik dan kejahatan lainnya, termasuk penyembahan berhala, pelecehan seksual, dan kegiatan rahasia yang tidak pantas. namun alasan utamanya adalah, karena raja Philip IV memiliki hutang yang besar kepada ksatria templar, yang merupakan bankir utama pada masa itu. kemudian raja Philip IV menekan Paus Clement V untuk mendukung tindakannya terhadap ksatria templar. Paus yang berada di bawah tekanan politik dan keuangan dari raja prancis saat itu, akhirnya setuju untuk mengeluarkan dekrit pembubaran ordo pada tahun 1312 , melalui bulla "Vox in excelso". Jacques De Molay, grand master ksatria Templar ini kemudian ditangkap bersama banyak anggota templar lainnya. setelah bertahun-tahun di penjara dan disiksa, ia akhirnya dieksekusi dengan cara dibakar hidup-hidup di paris. hukuman berat ini tidak hanya saja keterlibatan gereja katolik saat itu, namun proses tersebut lebih melibatkan faktor politik yang signifikan. 

No. 5 - Girolamo Savonarola". (1452–1498)
di kutip dari new world encyclopedia, ia adalah seorang biarawan dominikan dan reformis asal italia yang berani mengkritik korupsi dalam gereja katolik. pada saat itu pendeta gereja katolik Roma semakin merusak moralitas, menjalani kehidupan yang korup. kepausan dipenuhi dengan penyalahgunaan dan amoralitas pribadi di hampir setiap distrik, terkadang terjadi juga penjaja keliling pengampunan dosa. karena hal inilah, Savonarola dia lebih menarik diri dari studi sekulernya. karena penentangannya ini, Savonarola didakwa karena di anggap sesat, karena dia mengucapkan nubuat, menghasut, dan melakukan kesalahan agama. ia kemudian di kucilkan oleh Paus Alexander VI , Paus menghimbau penangkapan dan eksekusi atas dirinya. pada hari eksekusinya, ia dibawa ke 
" Piazza Della Signoria " bersama dua rekannya Fra Silvestro dan Fra Domenico Da Pescia. ketiganya dilucuti jubahnya secara ritual, direndahkan sebagai orang yang sesat dan skismatis, dan diserahkan kepada penguasa sekuler untuk dibakar. kemudian mereka digantung dengan rantai di sebuah salib, api besar dinyalakan di bawah mereka dan merekapun di terbakar hidup hidup. 

Eksekusi-eksekusi ini sering kali dipicu oleh perbedaan teologis, politis, atau reformasi yang dianggap mengancam otoritas dan ajaran " Gereja Katolik " pada masa itu.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Importance of Biodiversity in Conservation Work

Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth, from plants and animals to microorganisms and ecosystems. It plays a crucial role in the functioning of our planet and provides us with essential services such as clean air and water, food, medicine, and regulation. However, our planet is currently facing a biodiversity crisis, with species declining at an alarming rate.

Scientific findings have shown that human activities, such as deforestation pollution, overfishing, and climate change, are the main drivers of this decline. In fact, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) reported up to one million species are at risk of extinction due to human actions. This loss of biodiversity has serious consequences for ecosystems, economies, and human well-being.

Conservation efforts are crucial to protect and restore biodiversity hotspots, which are regions with a high level of species richness and endemism. These hotspots are often home to unique and vulnerable species that are found nowhere else on Earth. By conserving these areas, we can help prevent the loss of biodiversity and ensure that future generations can enjoy the benefits of a healthy and thriving planet.

There are several key reasons why conservation efforts are important. Firstly, biodiversity is essential for the resilience and stability of ecosystems. A diverse range of species ensures that ecosystems can adapt to changing environmental conditions, such as climate change or disease outbreaks. Without biodiversity, ecosystems are more vulnerable to disruptions and are less able to provide essential services to humans.

Secondly, biodiversity is also important for human health and well-being. Many medicines and medical treatments are derived from plants, animals, and other organisms, with up to 80% of the world's population relying on traditional medicine for their primary healthcare needs. By conserving biodiversity, we can ensure that future generations have access to these valuable resources.

Lastly, conservation efforts can also have tangible benefits for local communities and economies. Protected areas, such as national parks and nature reserves, can attract tourists and provide opportunities for sustainable development, such as eco-tourism and sustainable agriculture. Preserving biodiversity can also help to maintain ecosystem services, such as clean water and air, which are essential for human health and well-being.

There are many examples of successful conservation efforts that have helped to protect and restore biodiversity hotspots around the world. For instance, the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador have been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site and a marine reserve, which has helped to conserve the unique species found on the islands, such as giant tortoises and marine iguanas. Similarly, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia has been designated as a marine park, which has helped to protect the coral reefs and the thousands of species that rely on them for survival.

In conclusion, conservation work is essential for protecting biodiversity and ensuring the health and well-being of our planet. By taking action to conserve and restore biodiversity hotspots, we can help to prevent species declines, maintain essential ecosystem services, and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. It is up to all of us to play our part in preserving the diversity of life on Earth, so let's take action today to protect our planet for tomorrow.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Johan van Bruggen was a missionary from the Netherlands who dedicated his to serving the people of Papua New Guinea

Some historical spiritual birthplace like: Ranara. Moga. Yasi/Raipinka.Kambaidam. Lae. 41 Mile. Markham. Waritsian where Johan Frederik van Bruggen set foot with Gospel of Agape.

The Funeral Service to Celebrate the life Johan van Bruggen will be held at Our Saviours Lutheran Church on Friday 13th at 2.00pm, followed by overnight at Tent Siti his home.

His resting place until the trumpet sound will be at Waritsian, (the home of revival May 5, 1989).

Johan van Bruggen was a missionary from the Netherlands who dedicated his to serving the people of Papua New Guinea. Born in 1935, van Bruggen felt called to missionary work from a young age and decided to pursue this calling after completing his studies in theology.

In 1964, van Bruggen arrived in Papua New Guinea with a passion for spreading the message of Christianity and helping improve the lives of the local communities. He quickly immersed himself in the culture and language of the people, learning Tok Pisin and developing strong relationships with the villagers.

Van Bruggen's work as a missionary had a lasting impact on the people of Papua New Guinea. He established schools, medical clinics, and churches, providing education, healthcare, and spiritual guidance to those in need. He also worked with local leaders to promote sustainable development and improve living conditions in the villages.

Throughout his time in Papua New Guinea, van Bruggen faced many challenges, including cultural differences, language barriers, and health issues. However, his unwavering faith and determination allowed him to overcome these obstacles and continue his mission.

In September 2024, Johan van Bruggen passed away at the age of 89, leaving behind a legacy of compassion, kindness, and service. His dedication to helping others and spreading the love of God will always be remembered by the people whose lives he touched.

Van Bruggen's impact on Papua New Guinea will continue to be felt for generations to come, as the communities he served continue to thrive and grow. His legacy serves as a reminder of the power of faith, love, and selflessness in making a difference in the world. Johan van Bruggen may no longer be with us, but his spirit lives on in the hearts of those who were touched by his kindness and generosity.