I Will Share My Dream Night 3 October 2024

I had a dream with all of you in it, so will share:

Hundreds of people were gathering inside a giant dome-shaped hall. It had no walls, just massive timber pillars painted in ochre red colour. The roof was 6 or 7 stories high and totally black. Like looking up at the night sky, but no moon or stars. The ground was black sand with round pebbles. The whole space might have been 3 or 4 football pitches in size.

Outside the terrain was rocky and volcanic. Either close to the sea or in flood plain of a river. The afterglow if sunset was visible on one side.

A smaller group of us were being hosted in a house nearby. Maybe 20 of us from FCF networks and a few other friends of mine. We didn't know everyone at the gathering in the hall.

We all were asked to wear black clothes, made from any thin material. When we arrived at the hall, we were all given turquoise blue knitted tunics to wear over our clothes. 

The only specific thing I can remember about any of you was Colin chanting a prayer in that super-deep Tibetan Buddhist style...

As soon as everyone was in the hall, a deep bass rhythm began. Seemed to come from the soil itself. Everyone went into free-form dance, no one leading, no centre.

Then I woke up and it was dawn.