Saturday, December 18, 2021

“The Lost Sons of the Anunnaki”: Melanesian tribe DNA Genes of Unknown Species

On October 20, the American Society of Human Genetics held its annual meeting, and the conclusions they reached can easily be described as astonishing. The data they collected shows that people in Melanesia (an area in the South Pacific that surrounds Papua New Guinea and its neighboring islands) may be carrying some unknown genes in their DNA. Geneticists believe that unrecognized DNA belongs to a previously unknown species of humanoids.

According to Ryan Bohlender, one of the researchers involved in the study, the species is not Neanderthal or Denisovan, but something different. “We are losing a population, or we are misinterpreting something about relationships,” he said.

Denisovans represent an extinct species belonging to the hominid genus. They were named after the discovery in the cave of Denisova in the Siberian mountains of Altai, where the first fragment of the bone that belonged to this species was found. Little is known about this enigmatic cousin of ours. About the people of Melanesia is not known much for the moment.

“Human history is much more complicated than we thought,” Bohlender said.
Oh yes, it is. But piece by piece, the complex past of humanity is brought to light. And discoveries like this seem to point in one direction: we could not be who we think we are. Here’s a quote from the study that I think you’ll appreciate:

“With assumptions about population size and the most recent dates of population separation taken from literature, we estimate the date of archaic-modern separation at ~ 440,000 ± 300 years ago for all modern human populations.”

If that number does not ring any bell, reiterate the Anunnaki hypothesis. According to the history of Genesis, the twelfth planet, known as Nibiru, was populated by humanoids very similar to us humans. After they encountered a severe problem in the atmosphere, they went on a quest through the solar system to find gold, a unique metal that could heal their planet.

When Nibiru approached Earth’s orbit, approximately 432,000 years before Christ, the Nibiruans used spacecraft to send people and essential goods from their planet to Earth. After reaching the surface, the advanced beings established bases in ancient Mesopotamia.

Many believe that this is the true season of the creation of humanity – within the laboratories of the Anunnaki geneticists. And this recent study confirms this hypothesis almost daily. It offers a vision that could answer one of our oldest and most important questions: Who are we?

To obtain the irrefutable solution to this secular enigma, we must dig deeply where no one has explored before. But this is harder to say than to do. Another way to do this would be to analyze the hidden microscopic records inside each of us. The Anunnaki knew that their DNA was the key to the engineering of the ideal slave. In our endless search for our true lineage, we must do the same as human beings.

In a recent effort, another group of scientists came to a similar conclusion. Led by evolutionary geneticist Eske Willerslev of the Natural History Museum in Denmark, scientists examined DNA samples taken from 83 aboriginal Australians. They also tested 25 participants from native highland populations of Papua New Guinea. To their surprise, the researchers discovered exotic DNA, similar to Denisovan in the genomes of study volunteers. Keep in mind. The researchers only called it identical to the Denisovan. Still, the group that ceded their genes to the participants’ ancestors is entirely unknown. “Who this group is, we do not know,” Willerslev said. Neither do we, but a particular crowd comes to mind.

No debe sorprender que tales descubrimientos se hagan siempre cuando se estudia el genoma de poblaciones remotas. Con el tiempo, estos grupos aislados tuvieron poco contacto con el mundo exterior. Vivían y procreaban dentro de comunidades cerradas y esto se refleja en su genoma. Cuanto más rica y diversa sea su ascendencia, menos probable es que los genes particulares permanezcan sin cambios. En el caso de los aborígenes australianos y melanesios, el aislamiento significa que menos genes fueron alterados a lo largo de su existencia.

It is not difficult to imagine this alternative version of our past. The Anunnaki come to Earth, play God, and create humanity. Chief scientist Enqi and chief medical officer Ninti use genetic manipulation and in vitro fertilization to create human beings in their image. They use society to serve their purposes, and when it suits them, they dispense destruction in the form of a flood of Biblical Proportions. Some chosen human beings are protected by a faction of the Anunnaki who decided to go against the protocol. They survive and spread in every corner of the globe. Thousands of generations pass, and the genomes of those who “socialize” more mingle beyond recognition. But in some places, the flame of the creators still burns.



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Thursday, December 16, 2021


It is wisdom from the wise, we need and must pay attention to that will and can save us from desolation and destruction.

By Chris Odory (15/12/2021)

A mouse looked through a crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package; what food might it contain? 

He was aghast to discover that it was a mouse trap! 

Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning, There is a mouse trap in the house, there is a mouse trap in the house. 

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, Mr. Mouse, I can tell you this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me; I cannot be bothered by it. 

The mouse turned to the pig and told him, There is a mouse trap in the house. 

I am so very sorry Mr. Mouse, sympathized the pig, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray; be assured that you are in my prayers. 

The mouse turned to the cow, who replied, Like wow, Mr. Mouse, a mouse trap; am I in grave danger, Duh? 

So the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected to face the farmer’s mouse trap alone. 

That very night a sound was heard throughout the house, like the sound of a mouse trap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. 

In the darkness, she did not see that it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. 

The snake bit the farmer’s wife. 

The farmer rushed her to the hospital. 

She returned home with a fever. Now everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup’s main ingredient. 

His wife’s sickness continued so that friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. 

The farmer’s wife did not get well, in fact, she died, and so many people came for her funeral the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide meat for all of them to eat. 

So the next time you hear that someone is facing a problem and think that it does not does not concern you, remember that when the least of us is threatened, we are all at risk.

Remember when Paga Hill.
Remember when ATS
Remember when 14 Mile
Now Garden Hills- whose next?
Bushwara? 2 Mile Hill? Burns Peak?


(1) Yewo mee keike, beu gaa kaadadiyaa mee. Dobiyo gaa kamuniyaa mee. Waka kawegayaa mee. Yege kawudayaa mee. Yokatoo enaimo ayayaa mee. Beu gaa ide katiyaa yamee/yagamoo. Enaida peuda kaabokayaa mee. Poyamee epa naadouno ko kaatimeniyaa mee.

(2) Aki iboo kiyakee meyaa bagee keike, duu nai-nai, pii nai-nai. Duu noyake, pii noyake ko, kayaikiyakee uwiinee bagee.

(3) Peu mee kiyakee naa, daba mee kiyakee naa, gaga gaa enaimo yegee kaatiyaa mee kiitoo maa, peu mana epa okaitiga kauwiiyaa mee kiitoo maa, yape gaa okaitiga kabokayaa mee kiitoo maa.

(4) Be akagaa tiyakee naa, ikii uguwoo, ikii kenekaa too maa. Ide tanii, gaidai enaimoo. Gagaa tanii, yege enaimoo.

(5) Enaa mee keike okeiya bage, akiya bagee ko beu. Totowi bagee keikee okeiya agiyo boonai-boonai kayaikiyakee uwiinee bagee.

(6) Okeiya bekagatouyogoo naa, akiya ipa egai. Wagiida woo dakii titouyo ko, okei kede akaato egogaitai kaa.

(7) Umii tou kouko, enaa naa mei, peu naa mei. Koyokaa dimi kegepa kaa doowane teewoo, witokee woo titou.

Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia:


(1) Orang yang hebat itu, orang yang mengasihi dan menolongmu saat kau tidak punya apa-apa. Orang yang memeliharamu saat kau yatim piatu. Orang yang membayar mas kawinmu saat kau kawin. Orang yang mengusap air matamu saat kau menangis karena susah dan menderita. Orang yang hidup bersamamu sejak kecil/teman masa kecil hingga dewasa. Lelaki/wanita yang mencintaimu saat kau tidak punya apa-apa. Orang yang siap berjuang dan berkorban bersamamu dalam kondisi apapun. Orang yang selalu mendoakanmu agar Tuhan sentantiasa mengasihimu.

(2) Orang yang datang kepadamu ketika kau sukses dan bahagia adalah mereka yang datang hanya untuk mengisap madu. Setelah itu mereka akan pergi meninggalkanmu.

(3) Sekalipun jelek dan sekalipun miskin, orang yang hebat itu mereka yang menangis bersamamu saat kau susah dan menderita, mereka yang menghadapi masalah bersamamu saat kau bermasalah, dan mereka yang berjuang dan berkorban bersamamu saat kau berperang.

(4) Sekalipun saling membenci dan bermusuhan, kekeluargaan dan persaudaraanmu sajalah yang abadi. Menari bersama saat senang dan bahagia. Menangis bersama saat susah dan menderita.

(5) Orang hebat itu milik orang lain, bukan milikmu. Orang kaya akan lari darimu untuk menyelamatkan kekayaannya.

(6) Sekalipun orang membenci dan memusuhimu, kau harus mengasihi mereka. Pada waktunya nanti mereka akan merasa malu sendiri.

(7) Dalam hidup, baik dan buruk datang silih berganti. Karena itu, hadapilah semuanya, gunakanlah akal dan perasaan untuk memilihnya dan menyelesaikannya.


Monday, December 06, 2021

Indigenous people, ILO Tribal People's Rights

The ILO was the first modern international organisation to sense the imporatnce of rights of indigenous peolle. Its Convention 107, ‘Concerning the Protection of Indegenous and Other Tribal and Semi – Tribal Populations in Independent Countries’ was adopted in 1957 with protective purpose, befitting post – colonial times. Self – determination as indegenous was to be regarded as fundamental. Convention 169 provides more more rights – based approach, and with the cooperation of FAO, UNESCO, and WHO.
Indegenous people, it stated, had the right to choose their own development priorities, with prior and informed consent. The criteria for indegeneity were said to include descent from people who occupied a country or region before conquest or colonisation, and retention of those people’s customs and institutions.
Indonesia is way off the mark on all of the above counts. The genocide and ‘slow – motion genocide together come on the back of the OTSUS and UP4B accelerated development reform packages it is pushing in occupied West Papua which gives a complete picture of its ability to meet its international obligations as a member of international society since 1949 when the Dutch granted it sovereign status after 5 years of a quasi - state status after the end of the Second World War. This would amount to a crime against humanity. Read on:

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

What is Fear and How to Handle it?

Fear is the root cause of poor communication and leads to destruction. In places like PNG, not being able to communicate and resolve differences can lead to a tribal fight. A tribal fight is likely to lead to loss of life and property.

According to Anthony Robbins, the beliefs that underlie fear are:
1. I'm not good enough
2. I don't belong
3. I'm not loved

The challenge is, we are not aware of these beliefs so many of us act out in violence within an instant. 

Many people don't know that they are worthy, loved or belong so when they experiences fear, they fight, take flight or freeze.

If we have positive image about ourselves ( instead of looking down upon ourselves), that positivity would solve many issues.

Why don't each of us value life and ourselves in first instance? Only then can we communicate more effectively and there would be far less destruction. 

Who and what are you destroying with your poor communication simply because you don't accept, love and trust yourself?

When will you start loving and accepting yourself?
