Hello, I am writing this again regarding Kina Bank Vision City, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Perhaps some ask me, "Why I am spending time and energy writing these all regarding Kina Bank?"
Well, the simple answer is that I have my Kina Bank Account here, in this office. Secondly, because I want Kina Bank to become the best bank in Papua New Guinea.
I have my accounts in other banks, but I prefer Kina Bank to improve, because Kina Bank has good business foundations that require improvements. If I talk about other banks, it will be complicated because they business foundations and ethos are totally different.
The Experience I had 0n December 20th, 2023: 3 Hours Waiting, 10 Minutes Solved At Personal Banker 2 Counter
Yesterday, as I reported previously, I came to Kina Bank at 9:00AM and I was among those first customers entered and waited for 4 hours. This day, I came at 13:30 PM, because I thought it will be faster to just submit the filled out form.
I have done what I should do, that is, I downloaded the "Periodical Payment/Direct Debit/Standing Order", printed it, and took it to the bank. I waited for 3 hours. The came to the service desk, i.e., Personal Banker 2 counter after the front age of the bank was closed, because there was no more customers allowed entry. The teller counters were all closed, all money at each counter were counted and closed. Only customer service section was open, and sadly, out of three available desk, only two were operationg. And out of the two, only one knew what he was doing, the other one kept going in and out to her manager, asking for guidance.
And this second counter is the one I came to.
After waiting 3 hours, and it was my turn to go to the counter. I submitted my printed form, and a piece of my copied NID.
She looked at the papers, then went into her manager again, and she came out some minutes later. She entered my data into the computer, for about 5 minutes, and then told me, "Sir, it is finished!"
Then I asked, "Can I go now?" She nodded, "Yes!" so off I went out from the bank.
Final Comments
As I have proposed in my previous note, It is important for me to note again that there should be One Section specifically just for "General Queries", and this is the place where bankers answers direct questions and direct customers to the right customer services desk. This is also the place where customers who want to (1) collect their visa card and (2) fix their PIN for visa/ KinaKard come and ask for assistance. This person can be a security personnel, trained to do this job.
The second section is for quick services such as organising Standing Orders as I did, or asking for SMS/ Online Banking services.
The third one is for Opening New bank Account, requested New Card, and other complicated problems that require longer than 30 minutes solution.
Above all, I want to suggest to reduce chairs inside the room, so that customers do not sit and wait for so long inside. Let the customers wait outside, and make it so that when they come into the room, they just need less than one hour to queue. It is punishing act when you allow customers waiting for 4 hours sitting inside the building.
To do next
- I invite all Kina Bank Customers to download and print this "Periodical Payment/Direct Debit/Standing Order" here.
- Download and Print Form to Open Personal Bank Account here
- If you want to apply for Visa Debit, Card, then Please Download this Visa Card Application Form here
- What I will discuss in the next note is "Kina WhatsApp Banking" Stay Tuned.