Thursday, June 09, 2022

BSP Mobile Banking is NOT the Same as BSP Internet Banking

 I went to fix my Internet Banking on 7 June 2022. As I explained in my other note in this blog, I have managed to register for Internet Banking. Then the bank rang me up and gave me the credentials for me to log into the Internet.

And Yes, I did log into the Internet Banking. 

However, I got it wrong when 3 times I mistyped "0" (zero) instead of "O" letter O in capital letter. That caused my Internet Banking Password was blocked.

I told the banker at BSP POM Branch, or the BSP Main Office, biggest office building, first BSP Building in town. Then I was given a different form to fill in. She said, I need to fill it out and submit it again in order to get the Password.

I read manuals already, particularly online, before going to the bank. I knew that to re-set my Internet Banking Password I needed to bring my Kundu Card to the ATM machine and ring phone: 7031212 while standing at the ATM Machine. However, this lady at the bank gave me the form and asked me to fill it out. 

My reading was correct. In fact I was given a form to request mobile banking. Therefore, instead of "Reset my pin/ password" option in the purpose of application, I selected "New Application". Then I moved to the Mobile Banking section, and submitted the form.

(Please bear in mind, I have not yet re-set my Internet Banking so far to this point of writing this note.)

Then I got a new Mobile Banking System that I am using right now. It is operational.

This Mobile Banking is commonly called particularly in Asian countries as SMS Banking (Short Message System Banking), where the banking system utilizes short messaging system. When they call Mobile Banking, they mean banking using Mobile Application or Mobile App Banking. I was really confused with the terminology, but I  know now that what BSP Bank means by Mobile Banking is actually the SMS Banking system.

I am happy that I am using my BSP Mobile Banking. I am looking forward to fix my BSP Internet Banking.

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