Sunday, September 05, 2021


Australian Funded Advisors controlling PNG Government
By: Lori Otto

Carolyn Blacklock and her current police investigation by Special Police Forensic Criminal Investigation Team (SPFCIT) has brought into surface a very disturbing reality. The reality that the Australian Government are funding and placing advisors in every strategic and critical business and Government of Papua New Guinea.

Blacklock arrest is a result of these Special Advisors fighting amongst themselves to maintain control and keep their highly paid allowances by the Australian Government ensuring that they are still needed in Papua New Guinea.

The startling realization is that some prominent Papua New Guineans are amongst those special advisors and their loyalty is to Australia then Papua New Guinea. These Papua New Guineans enjoy the same perks and privileges that those expatriate advisors and collude together to control the Independent Government of Papua New Guinea behind the shadows of Boardrooms.

Here are some highly placed Australian PAID advisors:

1. Mr. Chey Scovell (Oz paid advisor to Charles Abel while also paid Director of PPL and at the same time, employed full time as Executive Director of PNG Manufactures Council and in 2020/21 winner of a non-tendered contract via his company Sapience Ltd, to establish the PNG Labour Mobility Unit at Treasurer Ling-Stuckey’s office 
2. Mr. Anu Zhadav (Oz paid advisor to Sam Basil)
3. Mr. Christopher Hawkins (sacked by O’Neill and now Oz advisor to David Manning. Drives around in a Z plated Police Vehicle)
4. Dr. Chakriya Bowman (ex Economic diplomatic of DFAT, now paid advisor to PNG Market Development Facility (Oz project) and also business owner of Bowman Consulting Ltd and Director and Consultant to Chey Scovell’s company Sapience Ltd)
5. Ms. Carolyn Blacklock (former PNG Power MD)
6. Professor. David Kavanamur (Oz paid advisor to PM Marape; paid Chair of KCH and paid board member of Numbawan Super and cocoa trader)
7. Colonel Kisokau Powesau (Director of Paladin, Oz paid advisor to the PNG Defence Commander)
8. Ms. Dulciana Somare-Brash (full time Oz paid advisor to Sam Basil while fulltime advisor to Bulolu Development Corporation via company Dev Com Pacific Ltd and advisor and member of United Labour Party)
9. Mr Troy Stubbings (Oz paid advisor to the Bougainville Partnership while also advising and consulting to various other firms through his company Stryke Ltd)
10. Rabbie Namalie Jr (Director of BSP Life, Head of Investment for PacWeath Capital, Frontier Equity). Placed in KCH as advisor to KCH and William Duma

These highly placed Australian PAID advisors get paid AUD$21,400 tax-free monthly, paid housing allowance, phone and vehicle allowance just to provide Australian friendly advisers to PNG Government politicians and officials.

Sadly, it seems Blacklock one of the few to do good and serve Papua New Guineans, is the victim of a PNG Political witch hunt and caught between the crossfire of these infighting advisors.

More reports on these advisors to follow in next article

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